Are you looking for something to do or volunteer in Perry County? The following list shows community interest groups in Perry County, what they are about, when and where they meet, and who to contact. This list is a continuing effort, so if you want your group listed, send an Email.
Appalachian Arts Alliance

The Appalachian Arts Alliance works out of Perry County to promote creative expression and coordinate our artists and upcoming events!
Hazard Kiwanis Club

We are a group of volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of children and our community by various volunteer activities. Our meetings are held every Tuesday, 5:30 at the ARH Operations Center on Combs Road in Hazard, Ky. On behalf of our current president, Brandon Robinson, and the all the Kiwanians, we invite you to come and check us out.
Hazard and Buckhorn Area Lions Clubs
Lions Club Objectives: TO CREATE and foster a spirit of "generous consideration" among the people of the world through a study of the problems of international relations. TO PROMOTE the theory and practice of the principles of good government and good citizenship. TO TAKE an active interest in the civic, social, and moral welfare of the community. TO UNITE the members in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship, and mutual understanding. TO PROVIDE a forum for the full and free discussion of all matters of public interest...partisan politics, and sectarian religion alone excepted. TO ENCOURAGE efficiency and promote high ethical standards in business and professions; provided that no club shall hold out as one of its objects financial benefits to its members.
Contact Mary Beth Adams-Harp (2016-17 President), Hazard Lions Club, (606) 439-0078
Contact Dean Crawford (2016-17 President), Buckhorn Area Lions Club
Hazard Rotary Club
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. For more information, call (606) 487-3141.
Hazard Shrine Club
President: Jim Ed Williams, (606) 439-4619
Vice-President: Buddy Stallings
Secretary/Treasurer: Alford Collins, (606) 439-3519
Meets every third Monday at 7:00pm
One of our goals is to locate children needing medical care and get them partnered within our health care system. We support one of the finest networks of medical exertise in the country. Nobles need to reach out to firefighters, teachers, school nurses, and local community leaders and let them know medical care is available at no charge.
Hazard-Perry County Women's Club
The Hazard-Perry County Women's Club works to make the community better.
Hope House of Hazard
At Hope House we want to create an atmosphere where people believe "the best is yet to come" no matter where they are in life. Hope House is a ministry of Journey Christian Church that partners with
other churches, businesses, and the community to provide shelter and
hope to the homeless population of our area.
Board members: Joseph Engle, Angela Dials Brown, Mark Combs, Andrea Turner Howard and Ben Fugate
Secretary/Treasurer: Casandra Johnson
Agent for Service of Process: Rick King
Fundraising/Events Coordinator: Sarah Chandler
Imagination Library
Dolly Parton's states her Imagination Libary program is one of the most important ways she knows to improve the educational opportunities for children in your community.
Contact Kristin Collins, P.O. Box 1864, Hazard, KY 41702 Phone: (606) 439-0548 for more information.
InVision Hazard
We are an open citizens action group with a focus on developing a vibrant downtown Hazard, and we welcome any and all community members to join our meetings and get involved in our projects, because we are ALL stakeholders, and maybe YOU have the skills, ideas or talent that we need! We hold regular Stakeholder meetings bi-monthly (January, March, May, July, September, November). Please contact Les Roll at MACED for meeting times and places.
Pathfinders of Perry County
Promoting community well-being, engagement, outdoor recreation, and education.
For more information contact Pathfinders of Perry County Kentucky, P.O. Box 1986, Hazard, KY 41702-1986.
United Way of Southeastern Kentucky
We all have a stake in what befalls our fellow man. We all benefit when a child succeeds in school, when someone finds a job that will help them provide for their family, or when more people are able to access quality, affordable health care. The solutions we create for communities around the world go beyond short-term charity for a few. We rise or fall together. With your support, we are reaching for great new heights.
For more information call (606) 439-0329.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
The Purpose of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States shall be fraternal, patriotic, historical, and educational; to preserve and strengthen comradeship among its members; to assist worthy comrades; to perpetuate the memory and history of our dead; and to assist their widows and orphans; to maintain true allegiance to the government of the United States of America, and fidelity to its constitution and laws; to foster true patriotism; to maintain and extend the institution of American freedom and to preserve and defend the United States from all her enemies, whomsoever.
For more information call (606) 436-4224.