County 911 Director
Danny Miller
481 Main Street, 3rd Floor
Hazard, Kentucky 41701
(606) 439-4986
The “E” stands for “enhanced”, which automatically provides the operator with the calling telephone number and address. 911 is the accepted world-wide emergency calling number designed for the purpose of those seeking assistance during emergency situations. 911 is to be used for routine inquiries and administrative matters.
911 simplifies the dialing (calling) process when time is of the essence, and is easily usable by the elderly, youth and handicapped.
As your “911” call is answered by a trained telecommunicator, the name, telephone number and address immediately appears on a visible screen in front of the telecommunicator answering your call. In Perry County, a map showing the exact location of the calling party also appears on a screen. This feature also applies to cellular telephone calls received in Perry County
Upon the answering of your call, the nature of the call is quickly analyzed and all the emergency responders are immediately dispatched to your needs. The telecommunicator can remain in contact with the caller and with the emergency responder as long as the emergency requires.
Should the caller not be able to complete the call or remain on the telephone, the communicator will immediately dispatch an emergency responder to the address of the calling person.
Should your location not be properly identified with your address, valuable time may be lost while the emergency responders are looking for your location.
Perry County has instituted a new rapid emergency notification
service called CodeRED®. The new system will distribute emergency
messages via telephone to targeted areas or the entire county at a rate
of 1,000 calls per minute. CodeRED® employs a one-of-a-kind Internet
mapping capability for geographic targeting of calls, coupled with a
high speed telephone calling system capable of delivering customized
pre-recorded emergency messages directly to homes and businesses, live
individuals and answering machines.
By registering, you’ll be added to the emergency call list.