Minor Allen, Chief
800 High Street
P.O. Box 420
Hazard, KY 41702
(606) 436-2222 – Office
(606) 439-0956 – Fax
Mission Statement
We are dedicated to upholding the highest professional standards while serving the community in which we work and live. We are committed to the enforcement of laws to protect life and property, while respecting individual rights, human dignity, and community values. We are also determined to create and maintain an active police/community partnership and assist citizens in identifying and solving problems to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods.
Hazard Police Department consists of 22 police officers, six communication officers and a chief communications officer. The department has a school resource officer, a canine officer, a uniform detective, evidence team, and one auxiliary officer. Two officers are assigned to a drug task force, one with U.N.I.T.E. and one with A.H.I.T.D.A.
The Hazard Police Department was awarded accreditation by the Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police in June, 2007.
The Hazard Police Department provides basic police services such as responding to automobile accidents , thefts, any disturbance, domestic complaints, making arrests, patrolling the city, doing crime prevention and attempting to be proactive instead of waiting and reacting to complaints. We are trained and prepared for a variety of emergencies. We work very closely and effectively with the Kentucky State Police as well as other state, county, and federal law enforcement agencies.
We are a community-oriented police department and assist the citizens in many ways such as providing security escorts for businesses, doing motorist assists, and helping the public in any possible way. We strive to make our community safe for all citizens, including those living in, working, visiting, or just traveling through Hazard.
We require our officers to be certified and trained with all equipment used by the department for law enforcement. Each officer hired must attend an eighteen week basic training class at the Department of Criminal Justice Training in Richmond, Kentucky at Eastern Kentucky University. All officers must continue their training with at least forty hours annually and this training is also conducted by the Department of Criminal Justice Training. Most officers receive more than the forty hours required, especially the supervisors.
To File a Police Report
To file a report, please call the Hazard Police Department at (606) 436-2222 and request a police officer to respond to your location or if you are outside the state and would like to file a report (concerning an incident that occurred within the City of Hazard) you may call and request to file your report to an on-duty officer and always call 911 if your situation is life threatening.
Vehicle Accident Reports
Officers are required to complete all reports within 72 hours; however, all reports must be submitted to the Kentucky State Police for review. This procedure slows down the process and it typically takes 10 working days in order to receive a copy of the accident report.
Copies of offense reports and accident reports are available from the records units in the lobby of the Police Station at 800 High Street, Hazard KY, 41701 Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. for more information call (606) 436-2222. The report can be mailed or faxed upon request.
Outstanding Warrants
To determine if there is an outstanding warrant against you, you may contact the Perry County Hall of Justice at (606) 435-6000 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. If you believe that you have a warrant placed against you by an officer of this department you may call (606) 436-2222; however, this information is not typically disclosed to the public.