Electric Services
AEP - Kentucky Power Company
Phone: (606) 929-1600
Natural Gas
Hazard Utilities
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 420
Hazard, KY 41702
Phone: (606) 436-3171 - Office
(606) 436-3252 - Fax
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Kentucky Frontier Gas LLC
Phone: (606) 886-9991
Water and Sewer
Perry County Water & Sewer
10638 S. KY Highway 15
Scuddy, KY 41760
Vernon or Kitty Anderton, Phone: (606) 476-2414
Hazard Utilities
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 420
Hazard, KY 41702
Phone: (606) 436-3171 - Office
(606) 436-3252 - Fax
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Maintenance Garage & Recycling Services
Other Hazard Utilities
Gorman Hollow Road
Hazard, KY 41701
(606) 439-1863
The City of Hazard Maintenance Garage & Recycling Facility houses the city's vehicles, construction and heavy equipment, and also serves as a base-of-operations for the city work crews and the Hazard Utilities crews. At this facility, citizens can bring in glass, mixed paper, cardboard, aluminum, plastics, and other materials for recycling. All mechanical and maintenance work done on city vehicles is performed here also.
Local Airports
Wendell Ford Airport1300 Wendell Ford Terminal Rd.
Chavies, KY 41727
(606) 439-5140 - Office
(606) 436-6671 - Fax
Agricultural Services
Perry County Cooperative Extension Service933 Perry Park Rd.
Hazard, KY 41701-5322
(606) 436-2044 - Office
(606) 436-9961 - Fax
The Perry County Cooperative Extension Service is part of the University of Kentucky's and Kentucky State University's off-campus information networks. They deliver information, education, and solutions; and grow ideas into better communities, stronger local economies and healthier lives.
Senior Citizens
Senior Citizens Center
Phone: (606) 436-5095
Television Stations
WYMT - TV Channel 57
"We're your mountain television"
Hazard, Kentucky
Radio Stations
WSGS FM (101.1), WJMD FM (104.7), WKIC FM (97.9) & WZQQ Radio AM (1390)
Local, state and national news, weather, and sports; also Perry County history in pictures and sound from East Kentucky's most listened to radio stations.
Hazard, Kentucky
WLZD FM (106.1) Classic Rock


The Hazard Herald
439 High Street
Hazard, Kentucky 41702
Phone: (606) 436-5771
Fax: (606) 436-3140