Dr. Jennifer Lindon, President
One Community College Drive
Highway 15 South
Hazard, KY 41701
(606) 436-5721 or (800) 246-7521 – Office
(606) 439-2988 – Fax
HCTC Website
Hazard Community and Technical College offers educational
opportunities to 4,000 students in numerous program areas and includes
five campus locations—Hazard Campus, Technical Campus, Lees College
Campus, Knott County Branch and Leslie County Center. Students earn
associate degrees, diplomas and certificates at the two-year college
that is fully accredited.
(606) 487-3064
Business Office
(606) 487-3183
Center for Community Workforce & Economic Development
(606) 487-3069
Continuing Education
(606) 487-3065
Disability Services
(606) 487-3086
Financial Aid
(606) 487-3061
Human Resources
(606) 487-3111
(606) 487-3145
Public Relations
(606) 487-3141
(606) 487-3082
Transfer Information Liaison
(606) 487-3077