(301 KAR 6:001, 6:010)
All mechanically powered vessels used primarily in this state must
have a Kentucky registration. Boats are registered at the county clerk’s
office. Persons may register in the county of their residence or the
county of principal use. Boat registrations expire April 30 each year.
Boats registered in other states may be used for up to 60 consecutive days in Kentucky without registering here.
All boats operated in Kentucky must have the registration
certificate on board. Boats that are rented from a marina or boat livery
must have a lease agreement on board.
Water sports enthusiasts will find entertainment on Buckhorn Lake. The
marina has 95 open slips, two launching ramps, rental pontoon boats, and
fishing boats. Open April - October.
Canoes, kayaks, floats, etc.

North Fork River Trail
Hazard, Kentucky
About: Trailhead is located behind City Hall and runs to the Perry County Park launch ramp.
Length: approx. 5 miles
Difficulty: Easy (and relaxing)