Perry County is proud to be a part of the Work Ready initiative. Kentucky
has the most rigorous certification program in the nation to allow
communities to demonstrate their workforce quality. This is an
opportunity to differentiate our county and help Kentucky compete to
attract jobs now and in the future. The criteria include high school
graduation rates, National Career Readiness Certificate holders,
community commitment, educational attainment, soft skills development
and Internet availability.
In order to provide a globally competitive and skilled workforce responsive to the demands
of business and industry already located and looking to locate in the
Commonwealth, the Work Ready Community program was put in place to show Kentucky counties have that workforce. The Kentucky Workforce Investment
Board certifies counties as Work Ready when each of the six criteria are met.
Counties close to meeting the criteria and presenting plans to achieve the
goals within three years can be certified as Work Ready In Progress, indicating
a community commitment to meet the needs of business and industry.
Perry County is certified as a Work Ready In Progress Community.
High school graduation
92.7% - Exceeds statewide rate of 89.7%
National Career Readiness Certificate
32.59% - Exceeds statewide rate of 5.36%
Educational attainment
24.1% - Plans to meet or exceed 32.0% within five years
Soft skills
Has soft skills
credentialing programs for both secondary students and post-secondary adults
Community commitment
Local leadership teams must include representation from the following groups:
· Elected leaders
· Education
· Economic Development
· Workforce Development
· Business &
Internet access as indicator of digital literacy
Approximately 98.4% of households have access to broadband (>3 Mbs)