Perry County Solid Waste Coordinator
Tanner Brown 481 Main Street, 1st Floor
Hazard, Kentucky 41701
(606) 439-0149
Administrative Assistant

Beth Caudill
481 Main Street, 1st Floor
Hazard, Kentucky 41701
(606) 439-0149
Perry County Code Enforcement Officer

Scott Sandlin
481 Main Street, 1st Floor
Hazard, Kentucky 41701
(606) 439-0149
Read Perry County's
Solid Waste 5-Year Plan 2018-2022.pdf
401 KAR 49:011 General provisions relating to area solid waste management plans.
Perry County E-Waste

Did you know Perry County has an Electronics Recycling Center? This recycling center is located at the Perry County Garage at Christopher. Perry County Fiscal Court and Judge Scott Alexander would like to invite you to bring your used, broken, or unwanted electronics to our Electronics Recycling Center. It is open from 8am to 4pm Monday through Friday. We accept any type of electronics you may have: old computers, TVs, microwaves, stoves, and anything that has or once had a cord. This service is provided to you free of charge.
Mobile Recycling Trailers
Judge Executive Scott Alexander has purchased several recycling trailers with grant funds. These trailers can be found in the following permanent locations: Viper Park-and-Ride, Haven King's old truck lot in Chavies, Vicco City Water, and Perry County Park.. You will also find a recycling trailer at the National Guard Armory - This trailer is not owned by Perry County, but is available for public use. You may also bring your recyclables to the new recycling drop off center at the Perry County Garage 8:00am - 3:30pm Monday through Friday..
The trailers are available for Perry County citizens to dispose of plastic (Look for code "1" or "2" on the bottom of the container), aluminum and cardboard items.
By the end of school year (2019), we hope to have a trailer at each school in Perry County. If you have any further questions, please contact the Solid Waste Enforcement Office at 439-0149. Please share this post!
Perry County Maintenance Garage
2715 Christopher Road
Hazard, KY 41701
Phone: (606) 487-9615
Phone: (606) 439-4465
Primary Phone: (606) 439-4465
AKA: Perry County Road Dept, Perry Co Fiscal Court Maintenance Garage, Perry County Fiscal Court
Hours: M-F 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Perry County PRIDE Coordinators
Kevin Vermillion, Perry County/City of Hazard PRIDE Coordinator, (606) 439-0149
Mayor Veda Wooton, City of Buckhorn PRIDE Coordinator, (606) 398-7000
Harry Ward, City of Vicco PRIDE Coordinator, (606) 476-2418