Donald "Happy" Mobelini, Mayor
P.O. Box 420
700 Main Street
Hazard, KY 41701
Office: (606) 436-3171 or Fax: (606) 436-3252
"The City of Hazard is one of the great places to live. Its unique style and friendly and safe environment are matched by few communities in the nation. To make Hazard an even better place to live, I have established a website that addresses the needs of our local economy - from small business interests, workforce development and advocacy to economic development, jobs and industry. A strong and diverse economy, with an eye toward sustainability and balance, are key to a healthy community. Community collaboration can be the best way to further this initiative. Joining forces with groups such as County government, local nonprofits, businesses and educational institutions allows the City and the partnering agencies to maximize their innovation, resources, talents and even dollars. The City works hard to provide programs, amenities and services that result in a safe, healthy community with many opportunities for education and self-betterment. Achieving a better City is a team effort. Contacting me with any questions or concerns is the only way to keep our city thriving. So please feel free to let me know about anything I can do to help you enjoy our city to the fullest.
What sets Hazard apart from other communities is our unique character. Hazard is quirky and creative, from our arts and entertainment to our special events, architecture, restaurants and shops. As a community, we must safeguard, enhance and celebrate what is special about Hazard, and as a government, we must protect and promote our uniqueness.
My goal as your Mayor is to make government work for you. Please visit the City of Hazard's website!"
Hazard City Commissioners

Luke Glaser
717 High Street
Hazard, Kentucky 41701
Phone: (606) 436-4944

Susan Brotherton
716 Kentucky Boulevard
Hazard, Kentucky 41701
Phone: (606) 216-6268

Max Mitchell
317 Kentucky Boulevard
Hazard, Kentucky 41701
Phone: (606) 439-3054
Fitz Steele
176 Woodland Avenue
Hazard, Kentucky 41701
Phone: (606) 439-0556

Other Hazard City Employees
City Manager:
Tony Eversole
Office: (606) 436-3171
Asst City Manager:
Wiley Couch
Office: (606) 436-3171
Chief Financial Officer:
Carlos Campbell
Office: (606) 436-3171
Police/Fire Commissioner:
Tony Eversole
Office: (606) 436-3171
City Clerk:
Linda Steele
Office: (606) 436-3171
Public Works:
Beni Chandler
Office: (606) 436-3171
Human Resources:
Valerie Coberg
Office: (606) 436-3171
Susan Fields
Office: (606) 436-3171
Tax Administrator:
Tammy Hanlon
Office: (606) 436-3171
Utility Billing:
Michelle Ritchie
Office: (606) 436-3171
Hazard Fire Department:
Tim Caldwell, Chief
Office: (606) 436-2345
Hazard Police Department:
Minor Allen, Chief
Office: (606) 436-2222

Photo credit: Jeff Riley